Great Tips To Drive More Traffic To Your Website Kenya Print
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As a webmaster you will always love to generate more traffic to your website. But a lot of webmasters get it all wrong when they dedicate almost all their time to driving more traffic to their website without building an effective strategy of converting those traffic to sales. As an online entrepreneur you must understand that no matter how much traffic you are receiving on your website, if you can't close sales or generate returning visitors all those your traffic are worthless. Getting people to visit your website is only step number one, you have to go further by building effective methods of converting your traffic to either sales or returning visitors.
Every successful online business has a large database of "returning" customers, not just the "one time" customer that may never come back. If you want your online business to grow bigger then you must start developing effective methods of making your visitors to always come back. Adding an email subscription form to your website and enticing your visitors to drop their email is a very good method of converting traffic to returning visitors, with their emails you can always reach them whenever you send out a marketing newsletter.
Different people from all over the world will come visiting your website everyday, but all these traffic can be grouped into 2 main categories - The Targeted and Non Targeted traffic. Targeted traffic are those visitors that are in dire need of what you are offering through your website, you can only make sales with these kind of traffic. Non targeted traffic are those who stumbled across your website, they wouldn't have come if they had known what your website was all about at first place. You get a lot of Non targeted visitors when you adopt the wrong measures of building traffic for your website, such traffic are worthless because you can't get anything out of them no matter how hard you try.
The ultimate way to generate traffic for some online marketers is to choose a couple of methods that produce considerable results and focus on them until you excel at them. Most newcomers jump around from one technique to another and this is very bad.
Here are three of the very most effective traffic building strategies that successful online marketers use.
Connect With Other Influential Marketers
If you discover a good marketer with an enormous list, you can make him an offer he just can't refuse. You can get him to add your product to his list on a proposed deal. You'll have to create an excellent product because so many marketers can defend their lists with their lives and they only send them quality offers.
Give Out Free eBooks
This is one of the best methods to make your online business go viral. You can create an eBook with your Product link in it and give it to your visitors for free. Ensure that the content is fantastic and of value to many people. This can make them want to also give it to others, making your business go viral. You can entice other marketers to also give out your free eBook on their website by giving them permission to modify some of its content without removing your links.
Add Quality Contents To Your Website
This is one of the best and most effective methods of building traffic for any website. Always update your website with posts that your visitors would love to read whenever they visit and they will always come back for more.
There are many other great ways of building traffic for your website but the ones highlighted in this post will definitely yield a positive result when done well.
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