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How to Publish Your First Website or Blog Kenya Print

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If you are interested in writing a blog, it's a great idea to own the brand rather than publishing your valuable content under some third-party's name. The sooner you do it, the better it is for your content as well as credibility. Owning a brand gives you a sense of freedom and allows you to look after it as it is something meaningful in your life.

1) Think of a good name: The very first step in getting your content published is to think of a good and unique name. Selecting a name for your business or blog can be tricky. A couple of things that you should keep in mind is that the name either directly or indirectly reflects the nature of your blog and it is somewhat easy to remember. This means that you should always choose small keywords rather than long phrases.

2) Buy Domain name: Once you have a good name in mind, next step is to buy a domain. There are quite a few domain name providers out there. Again, it can be tricky to decide which one to go with. Domain names cost ksh 1,000.00 per year. Make sure you do not spend more than that per year for your domain name subscription.

3) Buy Web Hosting: This is the most important step of all. Web hosting service is the home to all the files and folders of your content including email, text and images. Therefore, it is critical to choose the right web hosting service. Although there are a lot of services out there, but it can be difficult to find the right one. Unlike domain name, web hosting services are not all alike. You need to make sure that the service you going to sign up for serves all your current as well as near-future needs. Few of the most important things to look for in a good web hosting is: control panel, storage space, bandwidth, and quantity of domain names that it supports.

Once you a domain name and a reliable web hosting service, you are good to publish your first blog.

If you are looking for just the perfect and most reliableweb hosting service for your business, talk to us +254 722209414

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