Tips To Create A User Friendly Web Application Kenya Print
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Web applications have become very popular, but the fact is that they can be a little challenging to design compared to websites. User behavior needs to be anticipated, so that an experience that is easy for the users is designed. Web apps that are difficult to figure, inefficient and un-intuitive will do very little in winning users and this means that you must be careful with the decisions that you make even when creating the interface. There are things you must carefully consider when developing a web application to end up with a functional one for users.
1. Embrace tooltips. Users can easily get bored by interfaces that are too busy. To ensure that the design of the app is not ruined by plastered words all over, try and use tooltips on icons. The tooltips offer learning to users on systems by exploring the icons without affecting their experience in a negative way. When you make it possible for them to learn what the buttons are all about then you manage to immerse them into the experience. Consider using buttons that can toggle tooltips on and off for mobile displays.
2. Group elements that are related. Users love apps they can easily use even without much help. When placing elements, try as much as possible to place together objects that are related so users can guess where exactly to find the information or control they are looking for. It is also a good idea to buffer the grouped controls under a single drop-down so they do not end up interfering with other features you have on the app.
3. Use modals sparingly. They may be a modern popup windows answers, but you do not want to end up overusing them otherwise you will end up annoying users and making them turn off the application. Use them only to draw attention of the users, but avoid forcing them to focus their attention to them every way they turn. It is a very good idea that you make the modal popups, easy to dismiss with an icon or button that is clearly visible.
4. Plan the app out before developing. One of the most important things to remember is that making changes to your web app after it has been developed can be quite tricky. To make things easier for you, ensure that you start by breaking the web application down into a wireframe before you start coding. Create a nice user flow and then move step by step till you have a complete product.
5. Provide users with valuable status messages. On selecting a function of the web application, your users should be clearly notified that something is indeed happening. Ensure that status messages such as 'loading' 'please wait' are large enough to be noticed so the users do not end up repeating their inputs over and over and getting frustrated in the end. Users are more at peace knowing that the application is executing an action with the help of the status messages.
Professional web application development can go a long way in propelling your business to success. You can use custom business applications to reach out to your target audience and get reactions that you anticipate from them.
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