What Is A Good Name For A Website? Kenya Print
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For an online business, your website name, known as a domain name, is the only indicator about your business and that's why choosing a domain name is very important. You do not have any physical signs or signals on show and users have to type a set of words or click on a set of words to reach your website.
How Do Choose A Good Name For A Website?
A potential visitor to your site has no way of figuring out the content of your website until they land on one of your website pages. For example, if you had never heard of the cocacola website, how would you know that they sell sodas? When choosing a domain name for your website, it can make a big difference to your online success. A good domain name is the best investment you can ever make in your online business and it can make you stand out in the crowded internet marketplace.
The first online entrepreneurs were eager to buy domain names that basically stated what their online business did and what you could find on their website. But today it's not easy to find a generic names like toys, books, holiday, money so you have to think a little harder about choosing a domain name.
Names for Websites
Generic names do not always give you the online recognition that you want from your website. Many top brands have named their websites as their brand name. Whatever you call your website it should be memorable and easy to remember. Keep it short and simple, easy to interpret, pronounce and spell.
When choosing a domain name, always opt for a.com whenever possible as it is a universally accepted business domain extension. Also, add the.co.ke, .org, .net, .biz, and other domain extensions too, to avoid the risk of someone taking those other domains and getting traffic that was intended for your website.
Be Creative
If you're having difficulties picking a domain name, think about the benefits that people get from purchasing your product or service and try to use those words in your domain name.
Another way of choosing a domain name is to make a list of related keywords connected with your online business and see if you can find ones that sound the same or are connected to it. Use your creative imagination too when choosing a domain name.
Success in business is mostly about marketing, especially online. Great marketing can sell an average product but poor marketing cannot sell a great product.
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