Taking A Look At The Importance Of Website Maintenance Kenya Print
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Whether you have an online or offline business, in modern time, it's paramount that you have a website. One of the things that you should do when you have a website is to maintain it. There are many benefits that come with maintaining your website. These benefits include:
High ranking
As you know, the technology world moves at a fast pace. Google and other search engines prefer sites that are quickly adapting to the changes. When you properly maintain your site, it means that you regularly update it with new content. You also adapt with the latest technology thus you are favored by Google. Due to this, you have a high ranking. This not only helps you to easily build a brand, it also translates to more money.
Professional image
When you take good care of your site you keep the information fresh. This means that you update the "About us", "contact" and any other information on your site. Since the information is fresh, you have a professional look. As mentioned, one of the website maintenance practices is regularly updating it with the latest technology. When you do this you keep your website up to date with the latest technology and this enhances your professional look.
You keep customers coming back
When your customers know that you keep your site fresh with new information they regularly come back to check whether you have added anything new. To maintain the interest of your customers, regularly feature new text, images, graphics, and videos. There are many websites and the customers can forget about your site if you stay for long without adding new content or letting them know of the presence of new information. To remind them that you are still around you should send them emails from time to time.
How to maintain your site
As you have seen, there are many benefits that come with a properly maintained site. In addition to regularly adding new content to the site and adapting the latest technology, there are other ways of maintaining your site. These ways include:
Getting rid of duplicate content: If you have a lot of content on your site or you hire more than one person to update your site it's common to have duplicate content. This can be titles, page content or even Meta descriptions. As you know, duplicate content is harmful to your ranking thus you should get rid of it as soon as possible. The cool thing is that there are plenty of online tools that you can use to easily identify the duplicate information and get rid of it.
Updating broken links: There is nothing that gives you an unprofessional look than broken links. To ensure that your users have a great experience, regularly check your site for broken links and fix them.
These are the benefits that come with having a properly maintained website and how to properly maintain it. If your site has a lot of traffic it's wise that you hire a dedicated person to handle the maintenance work.
Kenya Website Experts is a web design company based in Kenya and design websites, e-commerce and custom web applications. If looking for web design company in Kenya you should go for us. We not only design the site for you, we also help you keep it in perfect shape. Visit us at https://www.Kenyawebexperts.co.ke/ to know more.
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