Personal Data Dos and Don'ts Kenya Print
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The internet can be an insightful yet dangerous place for consumers. Consumers can gain access concerning a particular product or service twenty four hours per day, gather coupons from retailers and correspond with brand ambassadors. However, through a strategy known as online behavioral advertising, companies can gather information about consumers through their profiles on Facebook and even LinkedIn and then generate advertisements specifically to them based on the data submitted to these social media sites. Ever wonder how certain pop up advertisements contain content that certainly aligns with your needs, wants or concerns? If you've noted included information about your health, race or even your job status on any website, this information can be purchased. Through such marketing strategies like AdCount, companies can even track a consumer's web usage to determine if their witnessing of a particular advertisement on online marketing strategy results in a purchase.
So how can consumers avoid this covert traps establish to gain their valuable data and plunge them with unwanted advertisements? Here are a few tips.
When you register for a website, read their policy statement. If it states that the site is not liable for the distribution of your personal information. You should avoid it at all costs.
Opt-out of providing sensitive personal information. If there are boxes already checked merely click them and remove the X.
Log out of websites each time that you use them. Failure to do so can enable unwanted guests to gain your valuable information.
Do not click on suspicious pop up advertisements.
Delete your Electronic Cookie file. Electronic cookies track all of the sites that you visit, when and how long.
The internet can be an insightful or a dangerous place for consumers as they seek product related information. The strategies presented here will certainly keep them mindful of the potential threats posed online.
The article contains insightful tips that teaches readers how to avoid the covert traps established to gain their valuable data and plunge them with unwanted advertisements? For more information call us on +254722209414
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