How to Flip Domain Names Kenya Print
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In the world of e-commerce there are hundreds of ways to turnover a profit. One of the more recent ways of earning money online is domain name flipping. This an almost too easy way of making money. The basic principle of domain name flipping is the purchasing of a currently unused or unregistered domain name online from a recognised seller and re-selling that domain name at a profit.
Domain name flipping is a simple idea that has proved financially advantageous for many people. So how exactly do you go about it?
The first question to ask is how to people lose control of their domains? Domains are only valid if you renew them, for example if you no longer use or need a domain, you can leave it to simply expire. This isn't uncommon and as people do, they have found ways of taking those unused domains and turning them into financial capital.
There are two options when hunting for an appropriate domain name to flip.
The first option is to purchase a new domain name from a site. In this way you can search for a specific market which you would like to target, for example anything to do with engineering or plumbing. This way when you are deciding on a name to purchase you can choose a highly specific name that will be easily recognisable within the niche market that you have chosen.
Once you have bought a domain name you need to follow up with creating quality internet traffic for your new domain name. The aim of selling a domain name is not simply to buy and sell names, but to buy domain names cheaply, then ensure that the domain is followed, watched and useful to users before re-selling it at an inflated price.
Having bought your domain your task is to cultivate internet traffic, this is done by generating appropriate content for the site. This is done but using relevant techniques of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). These techniques allows your website to appear higher on a search than others for example if you have correctly positioned and written your posts on the site then, people who search for the service that your site is selling or providing, then your site will appear easily for them to find. This way when you are ready to sell your domain name, then you have not only a relevant name to sell but a domain hat has existing internet traffic. It is much the same as selling an existing business with consistent clients.
Our insightful and well researched articles have helped many budding freelancers develop their internet marketing careers. Connect with us on our blog or call us on +254 722 209 414 for more about website flipping.
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