Blogger custom domain name Kenya Print
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After you've purchased your custom domain, follow the steps below:
- Update the name servers of the domain as follows
- Go to your blog and click on Basics under the Settings tab. In the "Publishing" section, click the link to add a custom domain.
- Type the url of the domain you've purchased, keeping in mind that it must begin with www in order to work.
- Click Save.
- You should see an error, and two CNAMEs listed below. Each CNAME is composed of two parts - Name, Label or Host and Destination, Target or Points to. The first CNAME is the same for everyone, Name being "www" and Destination "" The second CNAME is particular to your blog and your Google Account, and is therefore different for each person.
- Go to your clients portal and locate the Manage Domain, and then click Advaced DNS Manager
- Now it's time to enter the CNAMEs. Where it says Host Name, Record Type, Address and Priority.
- In the Host Name simply enter www then select record type CNAME and then enter as the Address and leave priority blank
- Now enter the second CNAME in the same way.
Create A records with the following IPs. To create an A record, go back to A, CNAME and MX Records Management, in the Host Name leave it blank, Record type select A, For the Address, enter the IP eg and leave priority blank
You'll need to create four separate A-records which point to four different Google IPs.
- Before you move onto the final step, wait about 30 minutes - 2 hrs for your DNS settings to activate. If you attempt the final step before your settings are activated, we'll let you know with a warning message.
- After your settings have been activated, you need to make sure Blogger knows about your custom domain so that Google can direct readers to your blog. Just head back to Blogger and update the information on your Settings | Basic tab. Find the area for "Publishing," and click the link to add a custom domain.
Enter in the URL for your custom domain in the text box provided, and click Save.
That™s it! Your address will soon redirect to your new custom domain -- be patient, as it might take up to 24 hours for the redirect to start working. If you're still seeing an error after 24 hours, it means your settings weren't entered correctly and you should try the process a second time.
Some helpful notes:
- If your new domain isn't taking you to your blog, wait another day or two to make sure all the DNS servers have been updated. If it still isn't working, contact your registrar to make sure you entered the DNS settings correctly.
- Your original Blogspot address will automatically forward to your new domain. That way, any existing links or bookmarks to your site will still work.
- Your posted images will continue to display on your blog.
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