Payment Methods Print
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Before making payments, please make your order through our website and get an Invoice.
On your invoice page, you will get payment instructions and how much to pay.
Your account will then be registered automatically, account details and receipt will be sent to your email.
Domains and web hosting accounts are activated immediately, as the process is automated.
Lipa na Mpesa
Mpesa Paybill No. 695571
Our Mpesa mode of payment is as follows
On the M-PESA Menu Go to Lipa na M-PESA
Select Pay Bill
Enter Business No: 695571
Enter Account No: " Your Invoice Number"
Enter the amount you wish to pay
Enter your M-PESA PIN.
Confirm that all details are correct and press OK
You will receive a confirmation SMS from M-PESA immediately.
Airtel Money
0733 675 223
0733 367 596
Account Name: Kenya Website Experts Ltd
Bank Deposit/ Funds Transfer
Account Name: Kenya Website Experts Ltd
Account Number: 01192846093300
Bank Name: Co-operative Bank of Kenya
Bank Code: 11000
Branch Name: Kimathi Street
Branch Code: 11045
Swift Code: KCOOKENA
Tanzania Customers
Vodacom Mpesa to Safaricom Mpesa
To send money, dial *150*00# to access your M-Pesa menu
Select option 1 SEND MONEY
Under Send money to M-Pesa Kenya you will see the exchange rate that will be applied
Enter your DESTINATION NUMBER (Safaricom number +254722209414 ) starting with +254
Enter your REASON
Enter your AMOUNT IN TSH
Enter your normal M-PESA PIN
You will then either Confirm or Cancel to finalize the transaction
Uganda Customers
Dial *165# to send money to Kenya from your Uganda MTN line.
Send to +254722209414
Rwanda Customers
Dial *830# to send money to Kenya from your Rwanda MTN line.
Send to +254722209414
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The Best Web Hosting Company in Nairobi, Kenya.
Kenya Website Experts Ltd is the Largest Web Hosting Company in Kenya, our core focus is helping and empowering businesses & organizations online. Thousands of customers rely on our domains and web hosting to get their ideas online. We offer everything you need to create an effective & successful online presence backed by expert, personalized customer support. We offer ultra fast, reliable, affordable and secure website hosting services, email hosting, cloud hosting and SSL certificates. We make registration of Kenyan domain names (, and international domains (.com, .org, .net) fast, simple, and secure. Our expert team is always on hand to help answer your questions, get you started, and grow your presence online. We deliver on performance, security, reliability and customer service day in, day out, and we’re a trusted partner.