Things You Should Know About Web Hosting Kenya Print
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For your site to be visible online you need to host it. While plenty has been said about web hosting, studies show that few people know about the hosting plans. To help you out here is what you need to know about the issue:
No two hosting companies are the same
Different companies offer different services and hosting plans. They also charge different prices for their plans. When you are searching for a hosting company for your site you should take your time to find the one that will provide you with the service that you are looking for. Your choice should be informed by the type of content that you will use on your site and the amount of traffic that you expect to get. If you are going to use videos and expect hundreds of thousands of people to visit your site every month, you should go with a large hosting plan.
Good website hosting isn't always expensive
In most cases, you get what you pay for. This isn't always the case with web hosting. Sometimes, the different hosting companies behave like sunglasses companies that inflate their prices so that the consumer can pay for the name or brand. Most of the popular hosting companies charge extremely high prices for their services but their services aren't any better.
It's good to work with popular and established companies but if you don't have a lot of money you shouldn't stress yourself over it as there are many cheaper companies that are equally good (if not better) than the established brands. You should take your time to find the features offered in the cheaper options and go with the company offering the best services at affordable prices.
Free hosting isn't the best
Humans love free things but you shouldn't go that way when it comes to web hosting. Since the company is providing a free service, it's rare that it will have a support team ready to help you with your problems. This puts you in distress in the event you encounter a problem with your web hosting company. It's also rare that a free hosting company will have a community where you can find answers to your questions and share your experiences.
To be on the safe side, you should go for the paid versions. As mentioned, you don't have to go for the high-end hosting plans. There are many great cheap hosting plans that you can go with.
If looking for reliable and affordable hosting we have different packages.
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